Friday, February 18, 2011


The Ming Dynasty a time when the feudal society began to decline and capitalism emerged. In agriculture there was an increase compared to Song & Yuan Dynasties. Early in the Ming Dynasty, handicraft industries flourished in the southern areas. This was especially true for the porcelain industry which reached an all time high. It was the major source of finance at the time. 

Handicraft industries provided a good market for economy and for the growth of the cities. A great amount of trading occurred at this time involving silk, alochol, porcelain, tobacco, vegetables and fruits. They were traded for foreign commodities from Europe and America. Eventually, however there was a policy of restraining trade and a ban on shipping which affected the economy negatively. 

Thursday, February 17, 2011


The Ming dynasty was filled with culture over the years. Music, dance, poetry and an advanced economy  surpassed other dynasties. With the large emphasis on arts, the Ming Dynasty was the most culturally advanced of all the dynasties. 
With the advanced economy they were able to build roads, canals and buildings with highly sophisticated architecture.  Improvements were made to the Great Wall during this time.

The emperor's life was rich with culture. There were royal ceremonies, parties and dances with music and food. Porcelain was used extensively in the palaces for decoration as it was a huge part of their economy. The famous dragon  and nature designs found on the porcelain were also used in paintings, clothing and architecture. Those designs are still recognized around the world as unique Ming Dynasty pieces.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


 The latest invention in the Ming dynasty was the Huochong gun. The weapon is designed to shoot out bullets at a specific target. This is a brand new way to fight the Mongol's. A 105mm gun, it is 35.3 centimeters long and weighs 6.94 kilograms. Huojian meaning fire arrow, huopao (fire gun), shenhuofeiya (magic flying fire crow) and huolongchushui (fiery dragon emerging from water.) China is planning to trade with Europe.

Interview with Zhengtong

Zhengtong, the famous emperor who was taken hostage for over a year has agreed to do an interview. We jumped right into the questions as he sat down;

Q: How old were you when you became emperor?
A: Easy seven when my father died

Q: How long have you rule for?
A: Well I am currantly serving my 7th year. And I hope to reign forever.
Q: How did you feeling coming to power at the age of seven?  
A: Easy, it was something I was born to do I knew the day would come. And even though I was young I'd spent all my life preparing for it.

Q: Did you ever fear the Mongol's before the kidnapping? A: No, I never even considered, assinated maybe. They were a common enemy but manageable threat and that still stains even after the kidnapping.  

Q: Could you describe the day you were taken?
A: Yes, it was like any other day, I was sitting at the palace, I was told I had to come to the hall of some sort of emergency, as I came in a bag was placed over my head and I was taken. I blacked out for most of the time but when I woke up I was in a dark room with my hands tied and in peasant clothes. I wasn't given food or water and I was tortured for information. Of course people have sympathy for me, but I didn't need it. I have returned safe and sound. Many people say that I have been different since the kidnapping but I can assure you that is a total lie. 

Monday, February 14, 2011

The Great Ming Expands

         This map shows our empire in brown, the remain part of China in a dotted outline. The great wall is a dotted blue and green line. 


                   After a large growth of religion has been upon us for quite some time. And now as there seems to be a more clear division of each religion, hear at our blog we plan to expand your knowledge of each belief as they are practiced by your friends, neighbors, and family members.

Buddhism: Is the belief of if you work well in life then it will pay afterword. Buddha, the God, can gifts such as blessings, ever lasting luck, love, money or wealth, children, etc. but he'd ask for something in return like a scarifies of life or wealth.

Conflicts between Buddhism and Daoism these religions plan to battle it out in the Imperial Court.

(above a picture of Buddha)

Daoism(Taoism): Un-like Buddhism do not belief that life is about suffering for something good, they believe that life is mostly balanced with happy and sad. The Daoism belief constantly changes through out its history, once the main practice focused on breathing and meditation. The Dao meaning The Way is used as the common reminder of this practice.

 (the Yin & Yang symbol is used for its balancing good and evil as the Dao believes in balance as well)

Religion in the Ming Dynasty was very universal. Many believed it was based off as Chinese folk.