Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Interview with Zhengtong

Zhengtong, the famous emperor who was taken hostage for over a year has agreed to do an interview. We jumped right into the questions as he sat down;

Q: How old were you when you became emperor?
A: Easy seven when my father died

Q: How long have you rule for?
A: Well I am currantly serving my 7th year. And I hope to reign forever.
Q: How did you feeling coming to power at the age of seven?  
A: Easy, it was something I was born to do I knew the day would come. And even though I was young I'd spent all my life preparing for it.

Q: Did you ever fear the Mongol's before the kidnapping? A: No, I never even considered, assinated maybe. They were a common enemy but manageable threat and that still stains even after the kidnapping.  

Q: Could you describe the day you were taken?
A: Yes, it was like any other day, I was sitting at the palace, I was told I had to come to the hall of some sort of emergency, as I came in a bag was placed over my head and I was taken. I blacked out for most of the time but when I woke up I was in a dark room with my hands tied and in peasant clothes. I wasn't given food or water and I was tortured for information. Of course people have sympathy for me, but I didn't need it. I have returned safe and sound. Many people say that I have been different since the kidnapping but I can assure you that is a total lie. 


  1. It would be easier to read if there were spaces between the question and answer
