Monday, February 14, 2011


                   After a large growth of religion has been upon us for quite some time. And now as there seems to be a more clear division of each religion, hear at our blog we plan to expand your knowledge of each belief as they are practiced by your friends, neighbors, and family members.

Buddhism: Is the belief of if you work well in life then it will pay afterword. Buddha, the God, can gifts such as blessings, ever lasting luck, love, money or wealth, children, etc. but he'd ask for something in return like a scarifies of life or wealth.

Conflicts between Buddhism and Daoism these religions plan to battle it out in the Imperial Court.

(above a picture of Buddha)

Daoism(Taoism): Un-like Buddhism do not belief that life is about suffering for something good, they believe that life is mostly balanced with happy and sad. The Daoism belief constantly changes through out its history, once the main practice focused on breathing and meditation. The Dao meaning The Way is used as the common reminder of this practice.

 (the Yin & Yang symbol is used for its balancing good and evil as the Dao believes in balance as well)

Religion in the Ming Dynasty was very universal. Many believed it was based off as Chinese folk.

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